Tag: foodservice packaging

Food Packaging Trends

I was asked the other day, what some of the trends are in the food packaging industry. We get these questions from time to time from our customers. Presumably to make sure their packaging choices are staying up-to-date, or perhaps they want to buck the current trend and go with packaging that may be “retro”…
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Foam Food Service Packaging

My morning started out pretty good. Got the kid off to school, had my morning coffee and the temperature is actually reasonable (for this time of year)…then I read through some emails. Normally a fairly benign task to be sure. But in this morning’s emails were two articles regarding food service packaging. Needless to say…
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Top Ten of 2010

As we draw to a close for 2010 here at Genpak, I figured a top 10 list might be in order. There certainly are many topics to choose from both inside and outside our company. Who knew the food service industry could be such a hot bed of topics? From silly governmental bans to block-buster…
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NRA Show

Every time I tell someone who is not in the food service business, that we are displaying at the NRA show, I have to tell them, no we don’t make rifles, we make plates. NRA stands for National Restaurant Association, and their show is the biggest of its kind. The show, as usual, is in Chicago…
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Packaging in the Crosshairs

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of bad press regarding packaging, especially food service packaging. There have been venomous articles written ranging from packaging filling up landfills to packaging that causes erectile dysfunction (no lie, just saw that one yesterday). Some writings do have valid points, but never really tell the whole story. Take the landfill debate for instance. It is…
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