Product spotlight – July

Can’t remember where I heard the phrase “if less is more than there’s no end to me”. Had to be from some movie somewhere. Anyway, that’s the phrase that comes to mind when thinking about our Smart Set Pro microwave safe containers and lids which is the subject of the July Product Spotlight. Now I know most of my rabid fans (mother and spouse) have been anxiously waiting for the latest post here so let me not keep them waiting any longer.

The reason that “less is more” quote comes to mind is because our Smart Set Pro products are produced using our own unique, textured, microwave safe material that enables us to make these containers up to 24% lighter than most of the competitive products found today. That feature of course translates to a lower price for our customers and who couldn’t use a price break today? It is not very often that a value added item can be offered at reduced price levels but that’s exactly what you get with Smart Set Pro products.

One point must be made very clear here.  Even though our parts aremicrowave safe containers lighter in weight, there is absolutely no sacrifice in product performance. None at all. That’s the feature that is really giving our competition fits. It would be easy for them to say, ahh it’s lighter and therefore it won’t hold up to your application. But that is simply not the case here. Asian foods, Italian dishes, soups & sides and American fare are just some of the food applications our customers have utilized with our Smart Set Pro containers. Many restaurants and food service establishments have also used these containers for “doggie bag” applications. This allows their customers to very easily pop it right into their home microwave for leftover night without the need to dirty other dishes. Believe me, consumers like convenience, and it doesn’t get much better than that. These containers are top shelf dishwasher safe as well, so consumers could even use them for their own home leftovers. In today’s economy, consumers look for any value they can find. If someone could reuse their “doggie bag” container for their own personal use, they’ll do it. Plus this “reuse” feature helps strengthen customer loyalty at that feeding establishment. Customer retention and repeat business is the holy grail for most restaurants. Keep ’em coming back for more.

Another neat feature of our textured finish is that it makes the containers cooler to the touch versus standard microwave safe products. We all know what it feels like to grab something out of the microwave after it’s been heated up. Now I’m not saying that the Smart Set Pro containers won’t be hot after microwave use. What I am saying is they won’t be as hot as conventional microwave safe parts because they don’t transfer heat as quickly. A side benefit of this lower heat transfer is that food will stay hot a bit longer in our containers. In take home applications, that translates to less food waste and spoilage.

There is also a green story to tell here too (other than the reusable feature stated earlier). That story is source reductions. Source reduction is the process of using less material to make the same parts. In the case of Smart Set Pro, we were able to utilize our unique, microwave safe, textured material along with a quality engineered design to achieve a lower part weight without any loss of quality. To date, since our launch of this exciting new line, we have saved over 2.3 million pounds of virgin raw materials! Not too shabby when you think about it. (Hook!  That was the movie where that less is more line was used. That would have bugged me all day.)

To recap then, our Smart Set Pro line of microwave safe containers and lids are:

  • less expensive
  • use less raw material
  • are reusable
  • are recyclable (where #5 items are accepted)
  • offer multiple application uses

I’m sold. Contact us today to order a free sample kit of Smart Set Pro containers and lids. See you next month.

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