Food Packaging Goes Hollywood

The other evening I was watching a little TV and noticed one of our foam hinged take out containers being used during one of the scenes. I knew it was a Genpak foam hinged container because I’ve worked here long enough to recognize our stuff at a quick glance. Drives my wife nutty when we are out and I spot a Genpak item. I’m driven to tell her the item code by the same instinctual drive that makes salmon swim upstream to their place of birth to mate. But I digress. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to spend a few minutes to try and find actual shots of our stuff being used in TV. Here’s what I came up with.

The Big Bang Theory has quickly become one of my favorite shows. Here we see Sheldon and Leonard during one of the many meal scenes with our BLK10 and what looks to be our 20500. If you look really close at the inset picture in the lower right, you can see our signature mustache design which is the giveaway here.

food containers on TV

Since there are often take-out meal scenes in this show, it was easy to find several. Here is another scene where our SN203 large hinged container is being used.

food containers on TV

 Moving on, this one is my favorites as you can even see the embossing decoration we do.  The Have A Nice Day is one of our more popular stock embossed jobs. Here it looks to be our SN223 sesame container. There’s also a 21900 hinged container on the table.

food containers on TV

This one is from the same episode. I included it because I thought it was funny that they are actually using this container upside down. They placed the food in the lid. That big empty part of the 20500 is actually where the food is supposed to go. I guess they probably don’t actually use real take out food as most restaurants would know where the food is supposed to go. Oh well, we’ll give them a pass this time I suppose.

food containers on TV

Switching away from this show, I remembered an episode of Seinfeld where one of our plates was in a shot. It was the episode where George tries to mix his lovin’ with food and television. Here we see George in action while reaching for a pastrami (the most sensual of the cured meats) served on a 71000.

food containers on TV

Our stuff is seen regularly on the Food Network as well. Diners, Drive-In’s and Dives is one where we show up often. This was taken from a show focusing on Greek Gyros. The plate here is our LAM10.

food containers on TV

I’ve also seen our stuff being used in movies as well. One I recall was Million Dollar Baby. The scene was where Clint’s character was bringing in lunch to Morgan Freeman’s character. For the life of me I could find any images to post though. The point here is take-out food packaging is part of the fabric of everyday life. So much so we see it in TV shows and movies that portray regular folks going about their business. We rely on it to keep our food fresh, safe and secure.